""in the depths of  despair, remember,you possess a wellspring of resilience that can carry you through the darkest stroms."

"depression may cast  shadow,but your inner light can pierce through even the thickest darkness."


""like a phoenix rising from the ashes, your spirit can emerge stronger and more vibrant after battling depression."

when life feels heavy remember,your strenth is like an anchor that can withstand any turbulent sea.

" in the symphony of life, your depression is just one note; the melody of hope and healing awaits your conductor's  baton ."

“the journey out of depression may be long, but every step forward is a triumph of the human spirit."

Burst with Arrow

"you are not defined by your depression; you are defined by the courage it takes to overcome it."

"you are not defined by your depression; you are defined by the courage it takes to overcome it."